Thursday, December 30, 2010

2011 new years resolutions...

1. be more conscious of my diet: i am the queen of eating out and eating processed junk food. it's not that i necessarily like crappy processed food, but it's cheap and it's easy, and i'm lazy when it comes to cooking. this year i vow to be more conscious of what i put into my body; to eat more fruits and vegetables.

2. count to 10 before i react: let me explain...i'm very quick to react, usually saying the wrong impulsive thing rather than the correct well thought out thing, and it gets me into a lot of trouble, personally and professionally. i guess you could also call this one 'think before you speak'. if i take a little mental breather before i open my mouth my life might be a little bit easier.

3. wait a day to make that purchase: i'm what you would call an impulse shopper/ ultimate consumer. i HAVE TO HAVE everything i see. in an effort to save a little money this year i want to wait at least 24 hours before i make an impulse purchase. if i still NEED it in the morning, then i'll consider buying it. i tend to have buyers remorse after most purchases anyway, so this might be a good lesson for me.

4. stick to a yoga routine: i am admittedly lazy when it comes to physical exercise, and the boyfriend makes sure i recognize this about myself, often. i really do like yoga, but have a hard time self motivating. but it's good for me, and i need it in my life, i just need to stay more regular with my practice. realistically, if i go twice a week regularly i'd be happy (and healthy).

5. check back into with God: i am not a regular church goer, but i do go more than the obligatory holidays. similarly to yoga, i like it, but i'm lazy. and there is no reason for my's one once a week and there are many different times for services. just as you need to nourish your body with good food and exercise, so should you nourish your soul.

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