Wednesday, August 1, 2012

rain catcher...

does anyone know anything about rain barrels? in theory i think they're a good idea, good for the planet, blah, blah, blah. but why the heck are they SO freakin' ugly? i sort of want one for the back of my house, i have a shed roof that doesn't have a gutter (god only knows why not) and gushes water off the side (in a corner) where it pools near my foundation. this would be the perfect spot for one and might cut down on my ridiculous water usage for watering my plants. but i mean seriously, can someone please design something that doesn't look like a freak trash barrel or big plastic tupperware contraption?

here are a few that i found (that are all unattractive) that would work. mind you, i'm not going to tie it in directly to a downspout so i sort of like the ones that have screens on top that would catch the water...

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